Category: Uncategorized

medications Dec20th 2020

Tired of Medications? Find Relief with Physical Therapy

Pain can put some extreme limits on your life. While medication can provide temporary relief, it doesn’t actually solve the problem of your pain; rather, it merely masks the symptoms. If you have been living with acute or chronic pain and you’re looking for a natural way to successfully treat your symptoms, contact our office

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headaches Dec10th 2020

Say Goodbye to Those Persistent Stress-Related Headaches

You know the feeling – the sudden pain that tells you a headache is coming on. It happens to all of us. Stress headaches are typically defined as a “band of pressure” that can be felt around your head, usually accompanied by tenderness of the skull and overall achiness within the head. Sometimes, the pain

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joint mobilization Southwest Florida Aug20th 2020

Wondering How You Can Reduce Your Joint Pain and Improve Your Mobility? Try Physical Therapy

It’s true that as we all age, our joints very plainly are not what they used to be. Joint pain can occur for several reasons, such as a previous injury that has limited your motion or the general “wear and tear” of osteoarthritis that typically comes with age. Whatever the case may be, physical therapy

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